Finland is famous not only for its excellent education, which is considered among the best in the world, but also for its very good working conditions and fair wages, but in some areas of the market there is still a shortage of workers.
The list of in-demand professions in Finland mainly consists of the following vacancies
Medical personnel
Many countries have a shortage of medical personnel, but Finland seems to have excellent surgeons (huippukirurgi), coroners (lääketieteellisen Laboratorion työntekijä), radiologists (röntgenläkäri, radiologi) However, there seems to be a shortage of nursing assistants (saianhoitaja, alihoitaja) and orderlies (saaiara-aplainen).
Therefore, if you have a medical background, it might be useful to gain some work experience in Finland. Of course, you will need to speak Finnish and have a certificate in your specialty.
Social worker.
Due to the lack of sufficient staff to care for the elderly and disabled, professions such as nurses and paramedics (lähihoitaja) are currently in high demand and can combine social work and medical education.
Agricultural (maataloustyöntekijä) and forestry (metsäteollisuuden työntekijä) workers.
There is a shortage of workers such as drivers (kuljettaja), dairy farmers (maitotilan työntekijä), poultry farmers (siipikarjan työntekijä) and harvesters (maanviljelytyöntekijä). Specialized training and experience in this area is highly valued.
Processing specialists (kierrätyksen asiantuntija).
These are people who work in waste management companies. This is considered one of the most sought-after professions in Finland, as the country is actively looking for ways to solve waste management problems in an environmentally friendly way.
As one of the happiest and richest countries in Europe, psychologists and psychiatrists (psychiatry) are also much needed in Finland, as there are serious problems of depression and mental disorders among the population.
Educators and teachers
These professions are well paid in Finland, but need to be checked for study abroad.
Chemical industry workers
Knowledge of Finnish is not required, but at least an advanced knowledge of English is desirable. These professions are in demand as there are many new companies in Finland.
- Service sector
- Waiters (tarjoilijat), shop assistants (myyjät), cleaners (siivoajat).
- IT specialists (IT:n asiatuntijat).
- Knowledge of Finnish is also desirable but not essential.
- Construction workers.
- Construction workers (rakentadyat), architects (arkkitekhdit).
- These are the main professions sought after by foreigners in Finland.
But what about the Finns themselves?
- Software engineer (ohjelmistoinsininööri)
- Seller (hjelmistoinsininööri)
- Nurse (koulutettu sairaanhoitaja)
- Social worker (koulutettu sairaanhoitaja)
- General practitioners (yleyslääkäri)
- Financial advisors
- Accountant
- Supervisor (supervisor)
- Cook (cocci)
- Educators, teachers (kasvattaja ja optaja)
- And so on.
To get a job in Finland you almost always need to speak fluent Finnish. You can find out about all the courses and choose the one that suits you best.
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