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Showing posts with the label Portugal (About countries)

About the country Portugal

     Portugal is one of the most beautiful and majestic countries in the world. It is a land of festivities, mystery and unique landscapes. In this country where the tourist season never ends, the Portuguese are happy to welcome travelers at any time of the year. A trip to Portugal is an opportunity to dive into a whole new world where there is no boredom or sadness. The warm sun, the clear sea and the riot of nature will relax your body and mind. The subtropical Mediterranean climate of this wonderful country is also wonderful. Winters can be below +5°C. Summers are warm but comfortable. Portuguese cuisine is particularly remarkable. It is a simple, delicious dish made from meat, fish and seafood. The Portuguese love bacalhau (salted cod). 365 recipes have been developed so that they can eat it every day of the year and never get tired of it. Also popular is calduverde, a soup made with potatoes, traditional sausage and cabbage. Lisbon, the capital of Portugal When trave...