Finland is famous not only for its excellent education, which is considered among the best in the world, but also for its very good working conditions and fair wages, but in some areas of the market there is still a shortage of workers. The list of in-demand professions in Finland mainly consists of the following vacancies Medical personnel Many countries have a shortage of medical personnel, but Finland seems to have excellent surgeons (huippukirurgi), coroners (lääketieteellisen Laboratorion työntekijä), radiologists (röntgenläkäri, radiologi) However, there seems to be a shortage of nursing assistants (saianhoitaja, alihoitaja) and orderlies (saaiara-aplainen). Therefore, if you have a medical background, it might be useful to gain some work experience in Finland. Of course, you will need to speak Finnish and have a certificate in your specialty. Social worker. Due to the lack of sufficient staff to care for the elderly and disabled, professions such as nurses and...
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